Monday, 13 August 2012

LSA Announce Summer Show Winner

Prize Winner Christina Vallaghan
outside Gallery150
On Friday, 10th of August, on the back-drop of the 'Before I Die...' exhibition, the People’s Choice winner of the LSA 2012 Summer Show was announced atGallery150in Leamington

Christina Callaghan came first and was awarded a cheque of £500 and a feature in the LSA magazine ‘Artspace’; Sonia Bubliatis, took second place, and celebrity painter Paul Oz came in third. They were closely followed by Paul Cheshire – whose work was recently featured in the BBC series, ‘Show me the Monet and who has also been selected for the Coventry Open 2012, at The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum – and Pam Smallshaw.
Visitor to the gallery, Angela Kandil, whose voting slip was drawn out of the hat, took home the limited edition print, ‘Not the Usual Suspects, by photographer James Callaghan.

This year, the popular LSA Summer Show, which featured over 100 works by 68 local and regional artists, attracted a good 2407 visitors. 


Not the Usual Suspects by James Callaghan
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