Sunday, 16 October 2011



Deadline 15.02.2012

BRINK, a 'not-for-profit' arts organisation based in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, is currently organising MOSAIC, a rich and exciting contemporary arts event that will be held during the Kenilworth Festival from Saturday, 12th May – Sunday, 20th of May 2012.

Now in its fourth year, the festival, which attracts a footfall of a good 10,000 people to the town, hosts a wide variety of attractions including food tasting, book presentations, live bands, vintage cars and much, much more.

MOSAIC will consist of an art trail, indoor and outdoor exhibitions, contemporary art, craft and design stalls, dance performances, live DJs and music, sculpture, installation and video art.

As well as the 9-day art trail, which will be held in various indoor and outdoor venues around the town, on 20th May, BRINK will also be running a one-day, outdoor art exhibition during Party in the Park in Abbey Fields. As well as the ‘open air gallery’, marquees will also be available for exhibiting less weather-proof and delicate works.

This is a unique opportunity to take part in an exciting and increasingly popular annual event and to get your work seen by a vast public.

Interested? Please send a project proposal (even just a sketch and concept), link, images of your work, biography and artist statement (if applicable) to A wide variety of venues are available so if you would like to discuss your project with us, please send us an e-mail or give us a call on 07960-043395 or 07971-022369.

BRINK will require a risk assessment from the artist/participants on acceptance of the work or project. If necessary, we can also offer advice and assistance with risk assessment forms or funding applications.

We welcome works and project proposals on any subject matter or in any medium from both unknown, emerging and established artists or collaborative groups. But, please bear in mind that we will be exhibiting to an audience that also includes families and children.BRINK reserve the right to refuse works or projects.

Participating artists can take part in any of the three events (art trail, outdoor exhibition or stalls) or even all three!

The art exhibition and trail is free to enter. Stalls are subject to selection and availability and can be hired at a modest fee of £40.00 for artists/private individuals (these stalls may be shared) or £65.00 for companies or organisations. Special discounts on stall hire are available to FRIENDS of BRINK.
For further information, please contact or call 07960-043395 or 07971-022369.

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