Thursday, 29 September 2011

BRINK Present James Callaghan in the Vino Veritas Showcase

Image copyright of James Callaghan

From Saturday 1st October until Wednesday 30th November, contemporary arts organisation BRINK will be presenting a selection of works by local photographer James Callaghan at Kenilworth Wines.

In the Vino Veritas Showcase IV, James Callaghan, who recently held his solo show ‘Personally’ at Gallery150 in Leamington, with all the proceeds from the sales donated to Myton Hospice, will be exhibiting a series of landscapes of the local area. From Kenilworth Castle, mysterious woods,  to Chesterton Windmill, James takes us on a fascinating and dynamic journey of light, colour and shadow, where familiar places are revealed to us from a fresh and unusual perspective.

The fourth showcase not only marks the first anniversary of the opening of Kenilworth Wines but also the first birthday of BRINK, who held their debut TEMPORANEA exhibition at Kenilworth Castle in May this year and ART ON THE EDGE at the Lions Grand Show in June.
The fifth showcase, which opens on Thursday 1st  December, will feature the works of Bill Zygmant, famous for his iconic images of celebrities, such as Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, Marc Bolan, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Patrick MacNee, Joanna Lumley, Diana Dors and many more.

For further information visit

Kenilworth Wines, 14 Talisman Square, Kenilworth, CV8 1JB
tel. 01926 858332
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00am until 19.00pm.

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