Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Libidinous Pigs

If you happen to be in the Brera district of Milan, on May 20th at 06.30 pm, don’t miss the opening of Pig Island, Paul McCarthy’s first major solo show in Italy.

Organised by Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, the foundation has invited the notorious American artist to present a special project for Palazzo Citterio, a beautiful, previously disused palazzo that will finally be revealed to the public after more than thirty years, thanks to the intervention of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e per il Paesaggio di Milano  (Department of Architectural Heritage and the Milan Landscape).  

Here hungry viewers will get the opportunity to view the debut showing of Pig Island, a project that the artist has been developing for a good seven years.  This exciting retrospective will also feature other libidinous (and less libidinous) works, produced by the artist from 1978 to 2010.

There is a web-site, but the Trussardi people are keeping us in suspenders, oh, sorry, a Freudian slip there, I meant suspense. However, they promise to update the site on the big day, so keep your eyes peeled for more on this one: http://www.fondazionenicolatrussardi.com/

Definitely worth a butchers!

Where: Palazzo Citterio, Via Brera 14, Milan, Italy.
Opening Times: everyday from  10.00 am - 08.00 pm.
Opening: Thursday, 20th May at 06.30 pm.

Free entry until 4th July 2010.

Mechanical Pig, 2003/2005
Mechanical sculpture
Installation view, Haus der Kunst, Monaco, Germania
Photo by Wilfried Petzi
Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth

Mechanical Pig, 2003/2005
Scultura meccanica; silicone, platino/fibra di vetro, metallo, componenti elettrici
Veduta dell'installazione, Haus der Kunst, Monaco, Germania
Foto di Wilfried Petzi
Courtesy l'artista e Hauser & Wirth
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