Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Languages as Images

Sunday 7 October

Northgate Methodist Church Hall, 

Warwick, Warwickshire CV34 4TH, UK.
11.00am – 2.00pm

As part of the Warwick Words Festival of Literature and Spoken Word, Italian artist Elena Cecchinato will be holding a fascinating workshop that explores the relationship between writing and drawing.
A voyage into stories of dots and plots, linear dialogues, figurative speech, marking, mapping, weaving, sense and value, thread and trace. You will attempt to go right there: to the edge between the verbal and the visual.
Both words and drawings, with their signs and meanings, are necessary to space and charge reality. They are both vehicles and mediums to unite and conceive reality, working between the ‘I’ and the world, the interior and the exterior, the knowing and the doing. They allow an opportunity for us not to be subdued by the world, but rather interact with it, transforming it  into new narratives. You will create visual abstractions by colouring words and drawing with text.

Age: 18 plus
Materials required: Please bring along a copy of one page from your favourite piece of writing.
There are only 15 places available for this workshop. Please book in advance through the Festival Box Office on 01926 776438
About the artist:
Elena Cecchinato was born in Venice in 1974 and studied in Italy before graduating from the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London).
She studied Korean and Chinese Painting at Koryo University, South Korea. Her art explores the immanent reordering that exists between inner experience and outer occurrence. Their nuanced discrepancy finds a provisional and evolving coherence in the interaction between the audience, writing and drawing. 

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