Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The Telling Tales of Andrew Christopher

The Dance, pen and ink on paper, 30.5 x 47cm  (2011)

Andrew Christopher will be presenting his solo show ‘Telling Tales’ at Gallery150 from 5th- 17th July 2011.

Originally from Leeds, the artist, who studied at Jacob Kramer (Leeds College of Art) and London Guildhall University, currently lives and works in Stratford Upon Avon.

In Telling Tales, Andrew Christopher takes the viewer to an enchanted world of dancing animals, children, improbable Pied Pipers and butterflies.
Loaded with narrative, “They are all small parts of a much larger story, however, they are not scenes from a story that I have already written; they  are scenes from stories that are still yet to be told”, states the artist. But what initially seem to be apparently idyllic scenes, unfold into a disconcertingly dreamlike and eerie realm, hovering somewhere between ‘A Mid-Summer’s Night’s Dream’ and the most terrifying of nightmares. Indeed, in the artist’s paintings, what you imagine might just have happened, or what you think is about to happen is just as important as what is actually happening.

Bye Bye Blackbird, pen and ink on paper,  30.5x 40.5cm  (2011)

At the start of this year, Andrew Christopher began working in pen and ink on paper, as a result of having begun writing a graphic novel with a friend and fellow artist, which is due to be published later this year. This experimentation with a new medium has found its way into the artist’s current show, which will feature over twenty pictures, created over a four year period, bringing us right up to date with his very latest work. It is an exploration of how a creative mind works and as Andrew says: “I think the greatest challenge for any artist is to try to control their mind and stop it wandering like a lost dog.”
The artist will open his private view with a talk and discussion about his work.

Run and showcased by Leamington Studio Artists (LSA), Gallery150 is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 6pm and Sunday from 11am to 4pm.

The private view will be held on Tuesday 5th July from 7-9pm.

Gallery150, Regent Court Shopping Parade, 9 Livery Street, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4NP. www.gallery150.co.uk

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Sunday, 19 June 2011

False Warnings

Rita Gabrowska, graphic designer, painter, digital artist, photographer and jewellery designer, will be presenting ‘False Warnings’ at Gallery150 from  21st  June – 3rd July 2011.

The artist, who was born in Wroclaw, Poland, will be exhibiting a series of abstract paintings inspired by her fascination for geometric forms, created between 2008-2011.

Reminiscent of the Suprematist movement, Gabrowska’s works are based on mass media symbolism, such as road signs, electronic components and man-made objects, where the compositions themselves do not relate to a particular place or moment in time. Instead they emerge as imprints of the minds-eye, everyday objects extrapolated from reality and reinterpreted in a new, autonomic world, composed of captivatingly subtle colours and abstract shapes.

As well as exhibiting in Poland and Italy, this talented and multi-faceted artist, now has five digital art works in the collection of the Dolnoslaskie Towarzystwo Zachety Sztuk Pieknych art institute in Poland.

Run and showcased by Leamington Studio Artists (LSA), Gallery150 is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 6pm  and Sunday from 11am to 4pm.

The private view will be held on 21st June from 7pm at Gallery150, 9 Livery Street, Regent Court Shopping Centre, CV32 4NP.
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